Curriculum Vitae |
I am a biocultural anthropologist, broadly investigating how ecocultural contexts affect child development and health. But I didn't start out in this field - I graduated from the University of Virginia (BA '97) with degrees in Archaeology and Anthropology, and worked for many years as a CRM archaeologist in the Southeastern and mid-Atlantic USA. Although I went to Koobi Fora Field School, it was having my two oldest children that motivated my interest in the evolution of childhood and human life history. I pursued this interest at Washington State University (MA '09, PhD '16). After graduating, I continued teaching but also worked as a consulting anthropologist in public health - and had my third child. I am currently an assistant professor in the Department of Anthropology at the University of Alabama. Roll Tide Roll!
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The University of Alabama | Tuscaloosa, AL 35487 | (205) 348-6010
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